The prophet's advice completing story -> Bangla Educational

prophet's advice story

prophet's advice story; the prophet's advice story; the prophet's advice completing story;

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Once there lived in Arabia a notorious thief. He did not fear anybody. On the other side, he was feared by every person. The Prophet (Sm) recently gave him a call and advised him about stealing.........

(Ans) :- 

A famous thief once lived in Arabia. He had no fear of anybody. On the other side, he had been feared by everybody. The Prophet (Sm) once gave him a call and advised him about stealing.

"O Prophet, ask anything else from me. I'll complete it. but stealing! No, I can't give it up, the assailant said.  Okay, the Prophet replied, "then follow this simple counsel: Always speak a lie. The thief made an agreement to stay away from lying going forward.

The criminal went out to steal as usual at night. He was stopped by a man who inquired, "Where are you going?"

The thief was reminded of the Prophet's advice. Therefore, he was unable to lie. He was also unable to tell the truth. So he returned home.

The criminal went out to steal the following night as well. Once more, a guy stopped him on the road and said, "Where are you going?
The thief had no capacity to lie. He was also unable to tell the truth. He returned home that evening as well.

Every night, the thief had the same situation. And he was unable to lying. He also felt reluctant to speak the truth. So he was unable to steal away. He stopped stealing as a result of this. He finished by shining a beautiful saint.

The Prophet stated, "Stealing is a great sin, and no one respects a thief."

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