Terrorism in bangladesh paragraph -> Bangla Educational

Terrorism in bangladesh paragraph HSC

terrorism in bangladesh paragraph; terrorism in bangladesh; terrorism in bangladesh paragraph hsc; terrorism in bangladesh 2016; history of terrorism in bangladesh;

Today there is hardly any educated man or woman who is not well acquainted with the term terrorism. The reasons of terrorism are not far to seek. Terrorism has spread its poisonous cruel paws all over the world. It has also assumed a terrible dimension in Bangladesh.

 Our social, economic and political conditions are responsible for this abominable social crime. Poverty, frustration and lack of civility are also the causes of terrorism. Some poor young boys leave school earlier without completing their education.


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They become unfit for any work. Again they do not like to do any hard work or manual labour. They can not also run business for want of money as they belong to poor family. So they think of finding out easy way of earning money without any physical labour. Finding no other way they resort to terrorism to earn money and become rich overnight.

Out of frustration and for unemployment many educated youth take Shelter to terrorism. Again political instability is one of the major causes of terrorism. The crude wicked politicians use them for their own interest. Today the terrorists are the monarchs of all they survey.

Their is none to raise voice against their activities. Not only the government but also all the conscious people should come forward to curb this social vice. Terrorists should be sternly dealt with. They should be awarded exemplary punishment.

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