Lockdown Paragraph

Lockdown Paragraph for class 10

lockdown paragraph;lockdown paragraph for hsc;lockdown paragraph for ssc;lockdown paragraph for class 10;lockdown paragraph writing in english 150 words;

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People are not permitted to easily enter or exit a building or area when it is on lockdown because of an emergency. This phrase has become popular to us as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. The majority of nations around the globe are either entirely or in part under lockdown in an effort to stem the spread of Covid-19.

In the case of a partial lockdown, people are still permitted to go on their daily business as long as they wear masks, keep their social distance, and follow to the Covid-19-related health guidelines. People are not permitted to take part in their normal activities when there is a total lockdown.

Offices, shops, restaurants, tourist attractions, entertainment areas, and other facilities are closed. During a complete lockdown, only the emergency services—such as pharmacies, medical facilities, police, the media, and utility services—are available.

In a country with our level of human density, it is utterly impossible to implement a complete lockdown. All of us have an important physical, emotional, and psychological impact in a lockdown. Moreover, it affects the state of our economy. We have to pray that with time, we will become used to lockdown.

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